Dermal Piercing Aftercare

Stap One

Clean the piercing twice a day using a solution of natural salt and pre-boiled water.

Stap Five

Avoid activities like saunas, baths, swimming pools, and tanning salons for 2 weeks.

Stap Two

Use a Q-tip to gently clean around the area.

Stap Six

Be careful with clothing, seat belts, linens, and jewelry as they can snag or pull out the dermal.

Stap Three

Cover the piercing with a dressing for the first 48 hours. After that, remove the dressing, clean the area, and reapply a fresh dressing.

Stap Seven

Do not apply cream to the piercing, as it can get under the head and cause protrusion.

Stap Four

Repeat this process for the next 10 days.

Stap Eight

Do not remove the head of the jewelry until the piercing has fully healed.

What to Expect?

Swelling, tenderness, redness, some bleeding, and bruising may occur over the next few days.

A secretion of a whitish fluid may dry up and form crust—do not pick at it.

You can gently soak it and carefully remove the crust with a clean Q-tip.

Piercing Healing Solution

Stap One

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of non-iodized sea salt in 1 glass of distilled water.

Stap Two

Do not remove the stud while cleaning.

Stap Three

Follow this routine for the next 45-60 days.

External Piercing Aftercare (45-60 Days)

Cleaning Routine:

Oral Piercing Aftercare (45-60 Days)

Cleaning Routine:

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